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As December arrives, the weather changes from the rainy "green" season into the dry season and the festive time of year begins. Costa Rica, like many other countries around the world, has it's own unique and special way to celebrate Christmas. You notice that the houses begin to be adorned with Christmas lights and decorations. You will also...
A few days ago one of the great men that ever walked the face of the earth died - Nelson Mandela. The vast majority of us have heard at some point in our lives his name and that is not a secret. But who was Nelson Mandela? For many of us we have heard of his enigma but his full story remained somewhat of a secret. It was not until a few days ago...
From the Desk of Chris: Guanacaste is many things.  It is a tree, a province, a town and perhaps more. Read here to understand what Guanacaste is. The Guanacaste Tree It is commonly known as Guanacaste Tree, Caro Caro, Elephant Ear Tree in North America, but is also referred to as Devil's Ear and Earpod Tree, Parota, Orejón or...
If you ever had a hard time finding a nice place to have breakfast, great coffee and catch up on the internet all inside a nice, air conditioned atmosphere?  Well I am going to let you in on a little secret.  Cafe Java in Playas del Coco is the place where you can take care of all those needs and more.  Have a look at the video and...
By Karen: La mayoría de las comidas en Guanacaste son hechas de nuestro grano más importante el cual es el maíz todas con diferentes procesos y sabores pero hechas con maíz, de igual manera tenemos otros tipos de comida típica que no necesariamente es hecha de maíz. Las llamadas chorreadas, el arroz de maíz, el atol morado, el tamal, las...
Costa Rica is a fantastic place to live if you enjoy fitness.  Marathons and triathlons are held on a normal basis because of the great weather we enjoy all year round.  Playas del Coco will host a 10k run on November 30th.  This event is sure to bring athletes from every major city in Costa Rica as well as runners from around the...
From the desk of Chris Broscheck: Where we moved from in Calgary Alberta Canada, one of our favorite sayings is "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes". This was very true as the weather is so unpredictable there. It could be snowing in the morning when you leave home for the day and then be sunny by mid afternoon with you wishing that...
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in Playas del Coco is easier than you may think.  There are two gyms, Y&V Gym and Coco Gym, that are available to those that live in the area.  The gym outside of town is called Y&V Gym and Wellness Center.  It is located about 5 minutes drive from Coco on theInside Y&V Gym in Playas...
Many of you might say that a day at the beach in Playas del Coco is very expensive. I would like to give you a few secrets to make it a wonderful day at the Beach all for under $20 for two people. Head directly to the Malecon (Boardwalk) in Coco and stroll down the beach either left or right. You can buy a snack of meat on a stick with...
Bueno les voy a contar que aquí en Guanacaste tenemos nuestra propia tradición en Navidad todos los años al llegar la última semana de noviembre se ven algunas casas iluminadas con lucecitas, el arbolito siempre se adorna en familia y es colocado al frente de la casa para que pueda ser admirado por los que pasen por el lugar, se adornan las...
