Fitness options in Playas del Coco

The other gym that is available is the Coco Gym in Playas del Coco. This facility is in the heart of Coco within the Pacifico Retail center across from the Auto Mercado. This is a much newer building with air conditioning throughout, and state of the art equipment. The feeling inside this gym is more of a modern "North American" facility that one would expect to see in your local neighborhood back home.
The hours of Coco Gym are 6am-8pm Monday-Friday, and 8am-1pm Saturday & Sunday. The monthly membership fee is $50 and includes basic training from a licensed trainer along with access to the spin and Zumba classes. An added bonus to being a member of the Coco Gym is that you can enroll in the Coco Crossfit classes as well. This class is outdoors and focuses on strength training, metabolic conditioning, and gymnastic movements. The Crossfit trainer is officially licensed and also teaches the class the discipline to never give up. This class is an additional fee to join. The 3-day a week class is $85 per month, and the 5-day a week class is $100 per month.
I have friends who are enrolled in the cross-fit class, and they only have positive things to say about it. Coco Gym has many of the local residents as members. Though it is slightly more expensive than the alternative, I believe you really get your money's worth by investing in your health at Coco Gym. Pura Vida!