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Fri, 06/07/2024 - 11:49 -- targ

Costa Rica's Capital Gains Tax and its Affect on Real Estate Assets

The capital gains tax in Spanish is called “Ganancias de Capital.” It was bound to happen! Well... it happened some years ago. Capital gains tax has been in effect since July 2019. What’s the rate? Well, the capital gains rate is fifteen percent (15%) of the gain.  Being a home owner in Costa Rica, it is important for you to know how this tax can affect your personal tax situation.

Wed, 12/07/2022 - 10:32 -- targ

The Basics of Choosing a Building Lot

You fell in love with Costa Rica and after looking at all the built homes in the area you decided that you want to buy a lot and build. If you haven’t built a house from scratch before than this guide will be quite useful. Even If you have built a home in the past this will help you avoid pitfalls particular to Costa Rica and keep you on the right track.

Before we go any further, we must assume that you have hired an experienced realtor who will ensure the basics are covered that apply to any lot purchase:

Mon, 07/25/2022 - 16:38 -- targ

It's Smart to find a professional real estate agent

Most Buyers and Sellers in the coastal regions of Costa Rica are not native to the area so it seems like common sense that they would seek out advice from a seasoned and professional Agent. One that works in a well-established agency to guide them through the purchase or sale process of a property in a foreign county. I think we would all agree with that statement so far.


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