Investment Opportunities in Hacienda del Mar
When contemplating moving to Costa Rica from Vancouver Island, British Columbia in 1999 most of my friends were ready to have me committed to an asylum. How could you even think about leaving this paradise.
A good friend who I admired (CEO of one of BC’s largest lumber companies) sent me a note:
Michael - “All men dream: but not equally, those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom
I moved and have never looked back.
A Little History of Hacienda del Mar
It has been 16 years since we moved our Tres Amigos sales office on the boulevard in Playa Panama to our current sales office in Hacienda del Mar on the Las Trancas Road in Playa Panama. Pretty easy to remember as it was just before the crash in 2007. The seventy-acre parcel overlooking Culebra Bay and the Four Seasons Papagayo Resort had been divided up and more than 50% sold as developer parcels. Condos and Villas were in planning stages which quickly came to a halt after the crash. For the next number of years waiting for economic recovery the existing 5000 square foot Casa Club with ocean view pool became my wife and myself's private weekend getaway. Not a bad place to wait out the recovery knowing our day would come when this development would break open full scale.
The onsite Jaguar Village Condominiums were completed in 2020 and it was decided in 2022 to take some of remaining “development parcels” and divide them into individual residential lots with a high demand for these with North Americans franticly buying in the height of the COVID pandemic. Our first 10 ocean view lots released sold out along with two development lots with 5 homes now planned. Two more development parcels sold with another 10 homes in the works and 30 more new ocean view lots to be released in the coming months. Our 30 plus non-ocean view lots within this gated community are set to be released next month starting at $130,000.
Why Hacienda del Mar is a Great Opportunity for Investors

Across the bay from Hacienda Del Mar is the Four Season Papagayo Resort, Executive Resorts, Ritz Carlton (under construction), newly announced Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas, Andaz Costa Rica Resort and of course the already existing Planet Hollywood.
To add to the excitement the Waldorf Astoria is under construction on the peninsula between Playas Del Coco and Playa Hermosa, waiting for more info on the One & Only Hotel Group planning to build on the peninsula between Playa Panama and Playa Hermosa, under construction new residences at the Marriot Mangroove in Playa Panama and an announcement last month of a 100-million-dollar expansion on the Liberia International Airport including private jet terminal expansion.
As Randy Bachman (fellow Canadian) from Bachman-Turner Overdrive said years ago, "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet", of what is going to be happening in the very near future in Playa Panama. Location, location, location.
Being developed shortly, 136 hectares of some of the most incredible ocean view land in Playa Panama, Guanacaste and only 15 minutes from all the luxurious amenities one could want.
Opportunity awaits. Stay tuned. You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.
Michael Mills - Managing Broker Tres Amigos Realty Group
Cell 011-506-8867- 6929 Toll Free USA and Canada - 1-877-293-1456
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