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Sun, 07/13/2014 - 17:16 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Artwork On Display in Playa Hermosa

The Hidden Garden Art Gallery and the Tres Amigos Realty office in Playas del Coco have teamed up to promote local Costa Rican artists. With permission from the artists, the Tres Amigos Pacifico Retail Village office has become one of only a few display sites where you can view the artwork away from the gallery. All of the art pieces are for sale. We are proud to be able to showcase the great talent we have here in Guanacaste. So clients and friends, please take time to stop by our new office in the Pacifico Retail Village and check out the artwork currently on display. The work will be changing all the time so be sure to come back often to check out what's new!

Carmen Silva

Carmen Silva artist in Playas del Coco Costa Rica

Growing up in the beautiful province of Guanacaste, the sights and colors filled Costa Rican artist Carmen Silva with a sense of wonder. Surrounded by so many facets of nature, her passion to capture her emotions on canvas was the inspiration to develop her artistic flair. "Colors of nature consume me: feathers of birds, colors of plants and other fauna." She recalls as a child traveling to San José to visit the museums and was fortunate to experience Madrid and Paris where she was captivated by the "Museo del Prado" and the "Louvre". "It was fascinating to see the original Van Gogh's and paintings of the Impressionists," she said.

"Silva transports the viewer into a world full of life by starting with a blank canvas, combining nature and her imagination with interlaced brushstrokes, textures, and magical colors," says fellow artist and mentor Gilbert Aquino Perez. Silva has participated in over 10 individual exhibits and collective exhibits, and her works are currently on exhibit at the Hidden Garden Art Gallery and at Tres Amigos Realty offices in Playas del Coco.

Hernán Pérez

Playas del Coco artist Hernan Perez

Born in 1951 in the port town of Puntarenas, Hernán Pérez grew up in a maritime environment full of rich imagery. As a child, he scribbled fishing boats, waves smashing against cliffs, the beach, shells, seagulls and images of the estuary and mangroves.

Not a day went by when Pérez was not drawing. He experimented with masonry pigments, mixing them with materials such as ground coal, scraped chalk, pulverized shells, limestone and pieces of tile and brick. Over the years, he learned to use color to capture the tones and nuances of fishing boats and large ships.

At 18, he moved to San José with his family and started to paint the rugged landscape of the suburbs.

With a strong spiritual connection to the earth, and living in a country with fascinating ecology, Pérez has become convinced that his art must have a relation to the environment that shapes and molds us. Today, trees, bromeliads, flowers, vines, birds, waterfalls, frogs, butterflies are depicted in his paintings to demonstrate the world his grandparents lived in. Perez works are currently on exhibit at the Hidden Garden Art Gallery and at Tres Amigos Realty offices in Playas del Coco.

Susan Adams

Playas del Coco artist Susan Adams

The subjects of Guanacaste artist Susan Adams range from topes, or horse parades, to people, places and all kinds of animals."I am constantly amazed at nature's complexity and brilliance, hoping to capture a moment that connects us to a jaguar lying unaware or playing," Susan tells us. According to interior architect Xyanna Bateau, Adams brings the real and natural images of Costa Rica to life in her work. "With her unique skillset and talent for color, shadow and natural nuance, Adams brings 'the soft, the wild, and the real' to one's interior. The translucent jungle leaf in a mist, the curious face of the monkey and the haunting gaze of the jaguar all emerge from her hand to create realistic images of Costa Rican culture." Adams works are currently on exhibit at the Hidden Garden Art Gallery and at Tres Amigos Realty offices in Playas del Coco.