Text - Playas del Coco Office - Real Estate

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The quick answer to this question is YES!  However, I want to breakdown this question a little bit to understand what life is actually about.  It seems that I was conditioned in America to work all week, get a paycheck on friday, pay the bills, and go back to work on Monday.  By the end of this routine I found that I didn't have...
There really isn't one single best time to be in Costa Rica, all of the seasons in Guanacaste offer something special. Different seasons, and thus different weather, offer many different positive experiences from non-stop sunshine to tropical green rolling mountains. I would say that it really depends on what kind of lifestyle you're looking...
For the uninitiated, Costa Rica can mean many things: Ecotourism, happy people, sunny beaches, great Scuba Diving, Wildlife viewing, adventure-seeking, and the ever-present "Pura Vida". We created the "A Day in the Life - Costa Rica" video to show you our little slice of Costa Rica through the eyes of people who live here and have done what you...
Introduction to Buying Property in Costa Rica The acquisition of real estate is one of the most significant investments a person can make during his or her lifetime. Serious due diligence is required and care and patience must be exercised to avoid common mistakes. Language barriers, unfamiliarity with local laws and procedures, and lack of a...
