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Animals in Costa Rica Close to Extinction – The Jaguar

Costa Rica's Jaguar

A Jaguar does not fear the smell of humans and can follow a man or his tracks with ease. Their body is robust, short, muscular and armed with strong legs and claws. It also has a short tail and small round ears. It is the largest carnivore that inhabits Costa Rica. Adult males can weigh from 64-100 kilos and females 45-80 kilos.Their hair is short and golden yellow on the back and white on the belly, with spots in the form of black rosettes. In any season, but especially during the breeding season, the male roars at night. It is an astute and suspicious animal. It has excellent sight and smell.

Where Jaguars can be found:

The jaguar can be found residing all the way from the southern United States to Central and South America to northern Argentina.Originally it inhabited Costa Rica from lowland forests to the moors of the Cordillera de Talamanca.  The Costa Rica Jaguar can be found residing in the Guanacaste National Park in the Arenal and Monteverde region. They can also be found in some wooded areas near the border with Nicaragua, Tortuguero, Barra Del Colorado, Corcovado and the Reserva de la Biosfera de la Amistad in the Cordillera of Talamanca forest.

Jaguar Feeding Habits:

They often hunt near rivers and are skilled swimmers.Although they seem to prefer Peccaries they also feed on Tepezcuintles, Agoutis, deer, monkeys, birds, fish, turtles, iguanas and other animals. Some old or sick Jaguars may prey on cattle and pigs in the vicinity of their territory.

Dangers the Jaguar faces:

  • They are threatened by poaching and habitat destruction caused by fires and logging.

Photo credit: Frans Lanting