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Mon, 05/02/2016 - 03:05 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Investing in land or buying another home can sometimes be about waiting for the place to appreciate so the homeowner makes a profit on the sale. Studies show that people purchasing properties in unique locations are on a rise. This appreciation of the market in tropical locations has encouraged investors to buy many a vacation property in Costa Rica. Take a look at what you stand to gain by owning such a home.

It is less likely these days for people to buy a second home in an up-scale neighborhood or even an upcoming development. People are now looking for new and exciting investment options by purchasing their second home in an exotic vacation destination. Read on to know more about this trend before you look for homes for sale in Costa Rica.

Mon, 12/28/2015 - 10:01 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Land investments can be a great asset for the future if done right. However, if land investments go wrong, it can cost you both time and money - possibly, even years of cash tied up in assets. As a foreign investor, it may be difficult for you to sit in another part of the world and make the right choice. If you are looking to invest in Costa Rica real estate, you might want to read on to get some insights about the red flags to avoid when investing in land:

Red Flag 1: Land in A Remote Location

Fri, 12/18/2015 - 05:59 -- Anonymous (not verified)
Costa Rica has been a favorite haven for retirement for many years. Due to the scenic beauty, stable economy, favorable policies for foreigners and the tropical climate, many people call it the Switzerland of Latin America! However, some people have certain apprehensions about moving to Costa Rica and starting their new life here. We debunk 3 such popular myths to help you make your decision:

Costa Rica is Too Costly

Tue, 12/08/2015 - 06:24 -- Anonymous (not verified)
Costa Rica has seen steady growth in its real estate markets for many years. In fact, it has recently been known as one of the most promising investment destinations in Central America. Though the prices of properties here are going up, it is still a great investment opportunity for first-time investors as well. We bring you the top 3 benefits of buying an investment property in Costa Rica:

Cash in On the Rapidly Growing Tourism

Thu, 11/19/2015 - 18:20 -- Anonymous (not verified)

The Irazú Volcano is another active volcano in Costa Rica. This stratovolcano is a tall conical shaped volcano composed of multiple layers of hardened lava. Irazú is a volcano in the Central Volcanic Mountain Range of Costa Rica. It is located 32 km north of the city of Cartago in the district of Santa Rosa, in the cantón of Oreamuno.


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