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Wed, 07/08/2015 - 13:50 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Animals in Costa Rica Close to Extinction – Danta (aka Tapir)

Costa Rica's Danta

The Danta, also known as the Tapir, is the largest of mammals that inhabit the country. Its large footprints in the muddy ground reveal their presence. Their body is robust with strong legs and large hoofs. Their hair is sparse brown, spread evenly on the back and sides with light brown on the belly.The pups have white patches on their sides. The upper lip of the tapir is extremely flexible and long, like a trunk.  An adult Danta can reach weights of 150-300 kilos.It is a shy and difficult animal to observe in the field. Despite its size, it can move with relative ease through the forest, where it meanders down paths through the undergrowth.  It has been said that Dantas fiercely attack humans when their pups are in danger.

Where Dantas Live

Costa Rica's Danta or Tapir

The Danta can be found from Panama to Veracruz, Mexico. Originally it lived around the country, from sea level to 3500 meters.Currently inhabits Guanacaste, Rincon de la Vieja, the Arenal-Monteverde Forest Complex, The Forest Reserve of San Ramon, Braulio Carrillo National Park, Corcovado, Tortuguero and the Reserva de la Biosfera de la Amistad.

Danta Feeding Habits

Little is known in Costa Rica about their eating habits although their diet seems mostly to be based on leaves, fruits, buds and seeds.


Dangers the Danta Faces

Their main predators are the Jaguar and man, the latter being responsible for poaching and threatening their habitat through over-development.

Photo by: Klaus Rudloff